What products and services you could get for 600 pesos?
1}You can start your E-loading Business to all networks,upon you activated your account you received 10 free sim activation "Code'
using this code to activate of your client Prepaid sim card to enable to load retailer..every activate you can charge 200 pesos..
10 free code X 200 each=2000 profit meaning its yours..no more no less.at this point you already get the one we called "ROI"return of investment..(i remind you)you yourself can be e-load dealer/retailer..those client you activated they are your retailer so you have to supply them the load..which you must have money to your load fund account..you can use your 2000 profit for that..
So as we go further,,what other ways to earn more income?
2}As i said ealier,when you do business concetrate to ones thats have big "ROI"and "SOI"thats why you chosed planpromatrix..because of this here is the other ways how to earn..
this is ways show's you how can you grow your income by this first step..You must hired or find business partner.. or "Build your Empire"
2x1 follow me matrix:
You get atleast 2 partner's..so you can cycle you will earn 300 pesos /$6.66 for every cycle and get re-entry for new matrix for you to have a chance either find more partner's or the 2 partners find for you..to cycle again and earn another 300 pesos/$6.66 again..
i would like to remind you that even they are your downline they can earn more than you can earn if you only waiting for them to work..so i advice you to find more downline..to eancourage the other partners to work and earn as you do..so here i explain the 2x1 =cycle +new matrix position..
what is FOLLOW ME?
thats what i will tell you now..
Started from your first 2 partner or (downline)you cycled and get re-entry for new matrix right?
Those 2 must apply the same strategy i told you to increase your "ROI"
they joined to you because they want to earn aswell..In order to do so
you must help them to make that happen..apply what you learned ..
encourage them,let you be their inspirations.if they see you have many proofs and tell them they can do the same..they will do the same as you did..that's the "Law of Duplicating''
Finally they got 2 partner each one of them..they will (cycle)and earn same as you earn ( cycle 300 pesos)$6.66 and they come to your new matrix position..meaning you have cycled again with their effort..
remember i told you to recruite more partner's as much as you can..and dont wait for them to your new matrix?
You know why?Because in 1 day we allowed to have up to 15 matrix..
15x300=4,500 pesos or 100us Dollar.just for 1 day..
So yeah..thats would be enough income for you?
Ok i know,,well that 4,500 pesos /$100..
In this stage because you have plenty of downlines..some of them maybe they earn more much as you do..
you still earning from here:
1st to 10th level-you will earn 0.11 dollar.or 5 pesos.every directs and directs of your Downlines up to 10th level..
Every 2,4,6,7, directs onwards..and the 1,3,and 5 directs of your 2,4,6,7 onwards,and the 1,3 &5 directs of 1,3 &5 directs of your 2,4.6,7.onwards up to infinity,you will earn $ 1.11 or 50 pesos..
except 1 & 3 and 5 directs,this will be pass up to your upline.
Every pass up that cycled.you will earn $1.11 or 50 pesos.
5}Binary Direct referral:
Every directs that activate their binary you will earn $0.66 or 30 pesos
Activate your binary and if your downlines activated their binary aswell. you will automatically earn $2.22 or 100 pesos every pairing..
example of binary,,
downline from left activated their binary..and downline from left do the same you earn $2.22
6}Profit sharing:
every month you can get bonus from profit sharing when you get 5 referral..this sharing bonus is from profit sharing pool amount..which all PPM members who are qualified devided the amount said.
$1,000,000 profit sharing pool amount..
devided by 2,500 members
=$400 each member can get.
Earn by typing CAPTCHA ..here your earnings depends on how much CAPTCHA you make..every hour has different rate..you can see this details to your data entry tab on your Dashboard..
This is the "Return of your investment"ROI Unlimited income..
enormous income when you work with perserverance..
this is your tiket way to success..